Franchise Publicity

Publicity for growing franchise companies

Franchise Publicity

Publicity for growing franchise companies


New Salon Franchise: SPLISH Salon

Here’s a trendy new salon franchise opportunitySplish Salons

splish-franchiseMatt posted the following on this week’s OpporTUESDAY franchise information post:

Splish, the environmentally and socially responsible alternative to hair salon franchises. Splish will donate 1/2% of your gross annual revenues to a local non-profit of your choice and on your behalf. Ride the green wave with your own Splish franchise! Exclusive, natural Splish hair care products; environmentally responsible finishes and furnishings. Hair services should be like getting your oil changed. Welcome to the cut of a new revolution. Splish Salons, the future of hair salon franchises. Go ahead, be bold and make your own splash with Splish!

Hair services should NOT be like getting your oil changed!! :-)

For more information, visit Splish Salon. For more of the best new franchise opportunities, visit Top New Franchises.

If you’d like to see your franchise or business opportunity featured, send an email to info[at]

image:  Splish Salon

Post from: Franchise Pick