How To Manage Your Support Team
Being able to manage a support team successfully, means that you are a project manager who know how to listen and delegate. Yes there are other key skills that a successful project manage need to have in place but listening and delegating are two of the most important one.
Managing a successful support team takes a project manager who is willing to not only work on developing their team but also developing themselves. Below are a list of areas where a project manager should either currently excel in or are developing in as part of their skillset. This list is based on the acronym “L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P”:
- Listening.
- Encouraging.
- Adapting.
- Delegating.
- Energizing.
- Realistic.
- Shaping.
- Helping.
- Integrity.
- Principled.
As you review these 10 skills that a project team leader should possess, keep in mind that if you don’t possess a skill, you can learn it, refine it and then incorporate it into your skill set. It all about teamwork and team building as you manage your project team. So also look for some of these skills in your team members as a way to continue building a firm foundation for your team.
Post from: EveryJoe