Franchise Publicity

Publicity for growing franchise companies

Franchise Publicity

Publicity for growing franchise companies


5 Advantages Running a Small Biz From Home

I run my small business from home, and I love it! There are advantages and disadvantages to running your small business from home. Today I’m going to focus on the advantages, because it’s more fun to think of the positive, right?

home office

  1. One of the biggest advantages is working in your slippers if you want to. When you’re not meeting with clients or customers you can hang out in comfortable clothes and your slippers if you want to. I do always try to get dressed for the day when I get up in the morning. I think that sets the tone for the day. When I’m up and dressed I’m ready to get to work.
  2. You can set your own hours. Setting your own hours is usually a benefit, as long as you make sure you set aside some time for work. Don’t just blow it off because you have flexibility. You’ve got to put the hours in if you want to build your business.
  3. You can decorate your office or work space however you want to. If you want to go all out for Christmas, there’s no one stopping you. If you want photos on your desk, or a coffee warmer, it’s all up to you.
  4. You don’t have to pay for a separate work space. If you set up an office or a storefront it’s an additional monthly cost to your business.
  5. You’ll save big on commuting costs. With gas prices up you can save big dollars each month on gas, wear and tear on your car, and insurance by driving fewer miles and working from home.

If you run your small business from home, what is your favorite advantage?

Home office image (c) L Gerlach

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Post from: EveryJoe

5 Advantages Running a Small Biz From Home