YTB INTERNATIONAL: Defenders Say It’s Not a Scam
(FranchisePick.Com) Related: YTB INTERNATIONAL: Is YourTravelBiz.Com a Pyramid Scheme?
Is YTB International, YourTravelBiz.Com a Scam?
Is YTB International’s business opportunity a Ponzi-type investment scam? Or is it the victim of an unfair, politically motivated smear campaign.
California Attorney General Jerry Brown’s vote: Scam.
According to, the Californis Attorney General is suing the company for $25 million in fines and restitution. The AG accuses, a subsidiary of YTB International, “of recruiting tens of thousands of members with misleading promises that they’d earn large sums of money selling travel online to friends and acquaintances. Agents pay YTB a $499 fee to join, then $50 a month thereafter…. California Attorney General Jerry Brown called the company ‘immensely profitable to a few individuals at the top and a complete rip-off for most everyone else.’ Brown said he aims to shut down the company’s unlawful operation ‘before more people are exploited by the scam.’”
Yet others defend IL-based YTB International, an employer of 300. When asked if is a pyramid scheme, reader Connie answers:
NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT. I have been in YTB for almost 2 years and while I haven’t made tons of money, YTB has delievered on everything it said it would in its RTA’s Bill of Rights. I was smart enough going into the business to realize that it was going to take more than a $500 investment and 6 months for my business to be profitable. I went into it for the long haul and believe that if I keep working it, I will one day have a strong profitable business. A number of years ago, I spent about the same amount of money to get into one of the makeup businesses. At that time, $500 was a lot more money than it is today. I never made a dime on that business, but the parent company itself is still in business today and no one calls it a pyramid. Buidling a business is a commitment.
Paul states:
…I am very satisfied with YTB. I am focusing on the Pasport2Giving program for non-profits which is extremely profitable.
Conrad takes it a step farther, suggesting that AG Jerry Brown’s lawsuit was politically motivated:
Is YTB an illegal pyramid? No. Think about this. Gerry filed the suit against YTB the day before the National Convention. Hmmmmm. If that doesn’t say “political” then I don’t know what does. Second, if he truly had a viable complaint then why didn’t he file an immediate “cease and desist” order? In my opinion, he didn’t have it nor does he have it now. YTB is still in operation in California and California happens to be one of the fastest growing markets. I believe Gerry gave in to the pressures of YTB’s competion and a few bitter traditional travel agents.
Is YTB International and a scam designed to prey on the dreams of hardworking Americans, or are they an honest employer being unfairly accused and smeared for hidden political and economic motives. Your input and insights are valued.
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Tags: Andy Cauthen, J. Kim Sorenson, J. Scott Tomer, Lloyd Tomer, ponzi scheme, pyramid scheme, travel scam, Your Travel Biz,, YTB, YTB INTERNATIONAL