Franchise Publicity

Publicity for growing franchise companies

Franchise Publicity

Publicity for growing franchise companies


SNAP Newspaper Publishing Franchise

Community newspaper publishing franchise
SNAP Newspaper Group franchise owners create and distribute free, photographically rich publications that capture the life, entertainment and overall spirit of their local communities.  Each SNAP franchisee acts as a hub for serving the public relations, marketing, advertising, and networking needs of its community.

Franchise Name:  SNAP Newspaper Group
Franchisor Corporation Name:  SNAP Newspaper Group Inc. 
Year Founded: 2005
Year Franchised:  2006
Number of units, company:  4
Number of units, franchised:  58
Initial investment:  90,000.00
Home-based Business? (Y/N):  Y 
Net worth/Financial Requirements:  120,00/20 LOC
Priority Markets for Expansion:  Southern USA and Western Seaboard

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