Rent-A-Green Box Franchise
Eco-friendly moving box rentals
Rent-A-Green Box is the award winning, first to market, zero-waste, eco-friendly moving box rental company. With multiple revenue streams, national brand recognition, a turn key business model and no royalties for the first 90 days, you can be a part of “greening” America
Concept Name: Rent-A-Green Box
Franchisor Corporation Name: Rent-A-Green Box
HQ location (city, state): Huntington Beach, CA
Website URL: [Requires Upgrade]
Year Founded: 2005
Year Franchised: 2011
Number of units, company: 1
Number of units, franchised: 0
Initial investment: $116,000 -$195,000
Home-based Business? No
Net worth/Financial Requirements: $150,000
Priority Markets for Expansion: Nationwide
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