Franchise Publicity

Publicity for growing franchise companies

Franchise Publicity

Publicity for growing franchise companies


LA WEIGHT LOSS to Refund $200K to Members

According to the website Weight Loss Complaints, LA Weight Loss has reached a settlement agreement with the Oregon attorney General, and agreed to refund members in Oregon up to $200,000 for services and products they paid for, but never received.  The full press release and settlement agreements are posted at LA Weight Loss to Refund Members $200,000

lawlAccording to the release:

The Oregon Attorney General has issued the following press release:

The Defunct Diet Center Chain and Oregon Franchise Agree to Pay $200,000.

Attorney General John Kroger announced a settlement that will provide up to $200,000 for Oregon consumers who bought services and products from a now-defunct diet center chain.

“Misleading Oregon consumers is not acceptable,” said Attorney General Kroger…

Today, DOJ filed in Marion County Circuit Court a $200,000 settlement with LA Weight Loss Franchise Company and LATO, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of LA Weight Loss Franchise Company. Under the settlement, the companies will also pay additional refunds directly to approximately 100 Oregonians for pre-paid amounts that were unused at the time their center closed in Oregon.

For LA Weight Loss refund information, see:  LA Weight Loss to Refund Members $200,000


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