Franchise Publicity

Publicity for growing franchise companies

Franchise Publicity

Publicity for growing franchise companies


KFC Beams Logo onto Moon



YUMM Brands KFC has become the first interstellar fast food advertiser, as it beamed its logo on the moon to launch  The KFC $199.99 Out-of-This-World Value Meal promotion.

“What good is the moon?” the great Col. Sanders once asked Millionaire Richard Quick, Esq. over a fine cognac, “If you can’t put my logo on it?”

“Some day, Harley, I will,” replied Millionaire Richard Quick, Esq.

And thus the seed was sown for another great advertising innovation by QuickCo: EnviroAd Lun.E.

Last week, Quick kept his promise.

Working around the clock, the team at Quick Research Group fine-tuned the world’smoongrid2501.gif most powerful laser projection device, and beamed the “contemporized” face of Colonel Sanders onto the moon.

The Colonel’s loveable mug now spans the 60 mile wide Copernicus Crater, covering 1.4 billion square feet, and is visible to the entire population of Earth. KFC Out-of-This-World Value Meal a huge success!

Introducing the KFC Out-of-This-World Value Meal

Quick Promotion Group devised and launched a wildly successful tie-in promo: the KFC Out-of-This-World Value Meal, which comes with 8 pieces of Original Recipe or Extra Crispy Chicken, 2 Homestyle Side items, 4 buttermilk biscuits, and a QuickCo QuickView Portable Telescope, featuring a 150mm-diameter, 1200mm focal length parabolic primary mirror, a 1.25″ aluminum focuser and a navigation knob for easy slewing, plus a finder scope and two Sirius Plössl eyepieces.

The KFC Out-of-This-World Value Meal is value-priced at only $199.99. Customers can Colonel-size it for an additional 39 cents and receive an eyepiece rack, quick-collimation cap, and hard dust cap featuring the Colonel’s “contemporized” likeness.

Click here to learn how EnviroAd Lun.E can make YOUR brand history, too.

Learn how QuickCo can promote your franchise brand in space:   OVERVIEW: EnviroAd Environmental Advertising IDEAL PRODUCT PLACEMENT: EnviroAd IPP IPP SHOWCASE: EnviroAd Advertising Gallery LUNAR ADVERTISING: The Sky’s No longer the limit… With EnviroAd Lun.E
