Jack in the Box Icon Hit by Bus in Viral Series
Fast food icon and head of the burger franchise mogul Jack Box has been tragically struck by a bus in the company’s current darkly comic viral video series.
The breaking news and ongoing coverage of the traumatic event is being playfully deployed through online social media outlets including YouTube, flickr, Twitter, blogs and elsewhere.
Here are the first three faux-amateur videos in the series are featured on franchise marketing blog FranchisorMarketing.com:
Jack in the Box Icon Hit by Bus: Official Statement
Jack in the Box Icon Hit by Bus: Phil Speaks Out
Jack in the Box Icon Suffers Massive Head Trauma
Feel free to leave well wishes, comments and/or criticisms for Jack in the Box and Jack Box below.
Sean Kelly is a 20 year veteran of the franchise industry, and founder of the award-winning marketing firm IdeaFarm. In 2006, he founded the FranBest franchise network, which features the top new franchises, franchise public relations and franchisee relations issues. Contact him at info[at]ideafarm.net.
Photo credit: cheetahchristina License: Creative Commons
Tags: fast food, franchise, franchise marketing, jack box, JACK IN THE BOX, sean kelly, viral video