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Granite Transformations Franchise

Kitchen, bathroom & commercial makeover specialists

Granite Transformations is a franchise organization that provides an important and compelling service to homeowners, builders, commercial building owners and more to literally transform their kitchen, baths, bars or other areas with our gorgeous TREND STONE, TREND GLASS and TREND MOSAIC surfaces. Each surface is made in the USA, and is created to bring a designer feel and impact to every room we’re in.

Franchise Name: Granite Transformations
Franchisor Corporation: Rock Solid Granit, Inc.
HQ location: Miramar, FL
Year Founded: 1996 internationally; 2001 in North America
Year Franchised:  2001 (North America)
Number of units, company: 0
Number of units, franchised:  160
Initial investment: $135,000 – $351,000
Home-based Business? (Y/N): N
Net worth/Financial Requirements: $100,000 liquid
Priority Markets for Expansion:  USA & Canada

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