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Franchise Publicity

Publicity for growing franchise companies


CUPPY’S COFFEE: Dale & Natalie Nabors Arrested

It was Christmas in prison / And the food was real good / We had turkey and pistols / Carved out of woodJohn Prine

Robert Dale Nabors’ financial and legal woes continue – and now his wife, Natalie, has been dragged into the spotlight (or searchlight, as it were).  This time, they could be facing jail time.  According to Shoals Insider, both Dale and Natalie Nabors were recently charged with theft:

Franklin County Arrests 12/20/2009

Robert Dale Nabors, Muscle Shoals, AL
Theft of service 1st degree

Natalie Nicole Nabors
Theft of service 1st degree

According to the Alabama Sentencing Commission website, Theft of Services 1st Degree §13A-8-10.1, which constitutes a value of over $2,500, is a Class B Felony that can result in a jail sentence ranging from 2-20 years.

The Theft of Services charges are just the latest legal woes for Robert Dale Nabors, who was also arrested in Colbert County, AL back in September.  This appeared on Shoals Insider:

Colbert County Arrests 09/28/2009

Robert Dale Nabors
Worthless checks x 2

Over at the Sheffield, AL forum, former Cuppy’s franchisees discuss Nabor’s whereabouts with parents of the schoolmates of the Nabors children. 

Sunday, Dec. 6, 2009 “lulu Florence, AL wrote :

to my understanding – he was arrested at my (and his) child’s school during a Thanksgiving lunch for parents on November 19th.

Friday, Dec. 11, 2009 “guest, Florence, AL” wrote:

i really don’t know….but they took him out in handcuffs. i saw them escort him off the campus a few months back, but assumed it was a custody issue. it is a girl in the class. i do not want to post my email here, but that’s about all i know… i have no idea if he is behind bars or not, but i know he’s been on field trips and picks the child up…

Do you have information regarding the arrest or whereabouts of Dale Nabors?  Share a comment below.