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Franchise Publicity

Publicity for growing franchise companies


CEREALITY BITES: University of Pennsylvania Cereal Cafe Closes

(FranchisePick.Com)  Related Reading:

Snapped, Crackled & Flopped: RIP State College Cereality

 The Cereality Franchise Dead Pool: VOTE NOW!

Cereality Franchise Closes in 3 Months; Breaks Previous Record

How ‘Bout a Stone Cold Bowl of Reality?Reality, Surreality & Cereality

University of Pennsylvania students are supposed to be some of the smartest in the country.  It only took them 4 years to realize that they didn’t need to pay $6 for a bowl for Capt. Crunch.  It’s true:  the Cereality Cereal Cafe at UPenn, the last PA outlet, has sunk to the bottom of the entrepreneurial bowl like so much shredded wheat.

Who could have guessed?  A cereal cafe that didn’t make it?  When I called Cereality (215-222-1162) to place a take-out order for a bowl of Coco Puffs, the Cereality answering machine broke the news:  the West Philly branch is no longer open for business.

What a shocker!  When the much-hyped cereal cafe concept was first introduced, several people exclaimed:  “Why has no one done this before?” 

I guess we have the answer.

This leaves one franchised cafe location in California, one university food court location in Arizona, and a handful that were put inside Cold Stone Creamery locations under the “Two Wrongs Might Make a Right” program from parent Kahala Bad Ideas in Bowls Corp.


Related Sponge Bob dialogue:

SPONGE BOB:  I once had a dream.

MR. CRABS:  I once had a kidney stone.  Everything passes.




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