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Franchise Publicity

Publicity for growing franchise companies


Bizzibiz Digital Marketing Franchise

Home-based digital marketing franchise

Bizzibiz offers a One-Stop solution for all the Digital Marketing needs of the Small to Mid-Sized Business. Franchisees are provided with complete training and every business client is assigned a Catalyst (Project Manager) to monitor coordinate and monitor the project.

Franchise Name: Bizzibiz
Franchisor Corporation: Bizzibiz Franchise, Inc.
HQ location: Scottsdale, Az
Year Founded: 2010
Year Franchised: 2011
Number of units, company: 0
Number of units, franchised: 50+
Initial investment: $18,000 – $25,000
Home-based Business? (Y/N): Y
Net worth/Financial Requirements:  N/A
Priority Markets for Expansion: Nationwide

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