SUBWAY: Smacked by the Terrifying Pink Handbag of Wrath
Some gay bloggers are celebrating the triumphant power of “pink wrath.” It seems that gay activist and blogger Mike Rogers has brought Subway to its… nevermind.
What was the great human rights victory? Gay activist and blogger Mike Rogers allegedly bullied Subway into making one of its franchisees withdraw a $2500 campaign contribution to an anti-gay marriage “Yes on 8″ campaign, and one assumes, resubmit it as a personal contribution.
A post on PageOneQ (written both by and about Rogers) states that Rogers’ complaints to the company prompted franchisor Doctor’s Associates to send out a warning letter to the franchisee, and to franchisees and developers worldwide:
“It has been brought to the attention of [Subway parent company] Doctor’s Associates Inc. that you have made a contribution to a politically oriented organization. It is our understanding that you intended this solely as a personal contribution and that you were not intending to make any representation on the part of the SUBWAY brand,” The company wrote in response to the gift made by a Merced, California location of the chain. The store is located inside the popular Merced Mall.
Explaining the company’s position the letter continued, “You should also be aware that your franchise agreement prohibits your use of the SUBWAY trademark as part of your business or corporate name. Further, it states that you agree to ‘…not use the Trademark in a manner that degrades, diminishes, or detracts from the goodwill of the business associated with the Trademark’ and ‘to promptly change the manner of such use if requested to do so by us.’”
So Mike Rogers prompted Subway to enforce its own current policy. Woo-hoo! Another major civil rights milestone.
Blogging about himself in the third person, it seems, Rogers writes:
On his original blog post, Rogers wrote, “We have a handle — a handle on a spigot of money. Mess with the gays and watch the ‘pink wrath’ slowly twist the spigot until they’re at the table begging for forgiveness.” At Subway the spigot is fully open.
So what’s the cause for celebration?
So, Mike Rogers, what’s the cause for celebration?
That you harrassed a franchisee into hiding his political views?
That you got one guy to reclassify his contribution as “personal”?
That you further convinced franchise companies to avoid social issues?
That you can use the same tactics as your political adversaries? (See McDonald’s: Did McD’s Cave to Anti-Gay Group’s Boycott?)
That you prompted the corporation to warn thousands of Subway owners to keep their personal opinions – including pro-gay rights opinions – from being connected to their businesses?
Sadly, the Pink Wrathers (not to be confused with the Pink Truthers) have again missed an important point. This means that they’ve dissuaded franchisees who agree with them from voicing their political views in connection with their businesses.
Too bad Mike didn’t go for a real victory – like getting other Subway franchisees to contribute 10 times that amount for his cause.
Of course, bullying is a lot less work.
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