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Franchise Publicity

Publicity for growing franchise companies


Nationwide Floor & Window Franchisees Left to Fend For Themselves


(FranchisePick.Com)  5 years after purchasing a Nationwide Floor & Window Coverings franchise, John and Cheryl Feldman of Vallejo, CA were still happy with their franchise decision.  The system worked, the lifestyle provided what they had expected, and they were getting ready for the fellowship with other Nationwide franchisees at the national convention just days away.

Then they received an express letter telling them there would be no convention.  Their franchisor was out of business.

According to an article in the Times Herald Online, John Feldman had no idea the 17 year old franchise company was in trouble.  With little other choice, they changed their name to Concierge Coverings and are now running their mobile floor and window coverings showroom independently.

While the reason for the franchisor’s failure has not been made clear, the Feldman’s claim that the Nationwide Floor & Window Coverings business model and operating system were sound and they intend to carry on.

“We’re working on moving forward, but with much more experience than when I first got started,” he said. “And I’m still in touch with other former franchisees, so I still have resources I can draw on for support. And I won’t miss paying the franchise fee every month. It’s like the best of both worlds.”

Now that they’ve had some time to think about it, the Feldmans are warming to the idea of working independently, they said.

According to Cheryl Feldman, it’s scary to be starting over, but they’re optimistic that – with good vendor support – they’ll continue to build their business on their own.



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