Franchise Publicity

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Franchise Publicity

Publicity for growing franchise companies


Meal Prep Franchise Closings Continue

mealassemblywatchThe Meal Assembly Kitchen franchise concept continues to be as fresh and palatable as last month’s salmon.

Meal Assembly Watch has assumed the role of Meal Prep hospice and caregiver TuckerBox is keeping family friends, and acquaintances updated on the slow, painful death of the once-hyped franchise boondoggle.

In the 9/11 post  Store Closings and Meal Prep Failures Tuckerbox writes:

… the Back to School rush didn’t go so well since another 32 companies and a total of 115 stores have shut their doors. It seems the summer was not kind.

Previously, Dream Dinners and Super Suppers were neck and neck as they raced to open the most stores possible. They’re still neck and neck, but now it’s in store closings. Dream Dinners saw another 15 stores go to the wayside (read owners stopped paying royalties and went bankrupt) while Super Suppers took the lead with 20 lost stores….

Tuckerbox estimates that Dream Dinners now has fewer than 140 store open, while Super Suppers has dropped to a mere 64 stores still open.  And things ain’t likely to get better.  Says Tucker:

And if there really were 1,400 meal assembly stores open at one point, well, 50% of those have shut down now. Less than 650 of those actually remain open today.

It would seem no matter how you try to spin the numbers; this business is in its final hours. The decline has been steady and unending. It’s hard to believe Super Suppers will survive the year. And if they do, they will simply be the walking dead and surely falter within the first couple of months of the New Year.

Another hot new franchise concept is on it’s way to the franchise graveyard.

And, with this one, you can’t even say It seemed like a good idea at the time.


graphics:  Meal Assembly Watch

Post from: Franchise Pick